Arachis hypogaea
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Regulation :
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Distribution :
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Habitat and Crop Association :
Habitat et Cultures Associées :
Economic Use, cultivation area, and Weed Association :
Utilisation économique, zone de culture et association de mauvaises herbes :
Arachis hypogaea is grown worldwide in about 80 countries (Sing and Singh 1992) with a total production estimate of 50.5 million metric tonnes in 2023 (USDA-FAS 2024). China constitutes 37% of world production, India at 13%, Nigeria at 9% and the United States at 4% (USDA-FAS 2024). A. hypogaea is grown primarily for vegetable oil, and is also used for animal feed, human consumption and fuel from the shells (Hammons et al. 2016).
Weed species composition in A. hypogaea fields vary with the country of production, the environment and the local climate. In the southeastern United States, Urochloa texana (Buckley) R. D. Webster, Senna obtusifolia (L.) H. S. Irwin & Barneby, Desmodium tortuosum (Sw.) DC., Ipomoea lacunosa L., Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn., Commelina benghalensis L. and Amaranthus palmeri S. Watson are important weeds (Wilcut et al. 1990; Daramola et al. 2023). Species such as Xanthium strumarium L. and Cyperus esculentus L. were prevalent weeds until the 1990s, while A. palmeri is a recent problem weed (Daramola et al. 2023).
In Brazil, the weeds considered most problematic were: Brachiaria plantaginea (Link) Hitchc., Digitaria horizontalis Willd. and Bidens pilosa L. (Agostinho et al. 2006). In Ghana, dominant weeds of A. hypogaea fields include: Commelina benghalensis, Axonopus compressus (Sw.) P. Beauv., Cyperus L. spp., and Setaria pumila (Poir.) Roem. & Schult. subsp. pallidefusca (Schumach.) B. K. Simon (Dzomeku et al. 1990). In Tamil Nadu, southern India, common crop weeds were: Dactyloctenium aegyptium (L.) Willd., Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop., Cyperus rotundus L. and Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. (Satya Priya et al. 2014).
Duration of Life Cycle :
Durée du cycle vital:
Dispersal Unit Type :
Type d’unité de dispersion :
General Information
The Arachis genus contains 69 species in 11 sections; likely self-fertilization and low seed dispersal created numerous locally adapted species (Krapovickas and Gregory 1994). Seed dispersal of A. hypogaea is hampered by the below-ground fruits (geocarpic), and was naturally dispersed along rivers or by animal excavation (Krapovikas and Gregory
1994). Dispersal over longer distances has been from human activity (anthropogenic) for crop production (Bertioli et al. 2011).
Arachis hypogaea and the closely related wild species A. monticola Krapov. & Rigoni are believed to be hybrids of A. duranensis Krapov. & W.C. Greg. and A. ipaënsis Krapov. & W.C. Greg (Stalker et al. 2016). A. hypogaea primarily reproduces by self-pollination (autogamy) and has developed locally adapted subspecies and varieties (Bertioli et al. 2011; Stalker et al. 2016). A. hypogaea L. subsp. hypogaea var. hypogaea with small pods and a spreading habit was introduced in the United States from Africa or the Caribbean as ‘Virginia’ or ‘Runner’ (Hammons 1973; Stalker et al. 2016).
The 3-seeded variety A. hypogaea subsp. hypogaea var. hirsuta J. Kohler called ‘Peruvian runner’ was transported across the Pacific into Asian countries (Hammons et al. 2016; Stalker et al. 2016). Varieties of the Brazilian 2-seeded subspecies, A. hypogaea subsp. fastigiata Waldron, were first brought to Spain and propagated as ‘Valencia’ (A. hypogaea subsp. fastigiata Waldron var. fastigiata (Waldron) Krapov. & W.C. Greg.) and ‘Spanish’ (A. hypogaea subsp. fastigiata (Waldron) var. vulgaris Harz varieties before dissemination back into the Americas (Hammons et al. 2016; Stalker et al. 2016).
Arachis hypogaea was first grown in pre-contact Central and South America, originating in present northern Argentina and Bolivia or northern Peru (Bertioli et al. 2011; Hammons et al. 2016). The crop was traded by indigenous Americans throughout Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Peru, Bolivia, and the West Indies (Hammons 1973; Bertioli et al. 2011). A. hypogaea was introduced to Spain, India, China, Indonesia, Africa, and the Pacific Islands during the post-Columbian era (Hammons 1973; Bertioli et al. 2011). The crop was transported back from Africa to tropical America and the southern United States as a sustenance crop during the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade (Hammons 1973; Hammons et al. 2016).
A. hypogaea was historically considered a food of lower classes and avoided by colonists (Bertioli et al. 2011; Hammonds et al. 2016). In the late 19th century, A. hypogaea was promoted at local events as a valuable replacement crop for Gossypium hirsutum L. (cotton) fields decimated by Anthonomus grandis (boll weevil) (Hammonds et al. 2016). George Washington Carver in the United States publicized the benefits of A. hypogaea during the early 20th century, and created more than 300 uses for the crop (Hammonds et al. 2016).
A. hypogaea seeds are nutritionally dense, containing approximately 49% oils, 26% protein and 16% carbohydrates (Davis and Dean 2016). A. hypogaea oil was the first vegetable oil that successfully fueled a diesel engine (Hammons et al. 2016). The seed proteins are also the causative agent in severe allergic reactions associated with this species (Davis and Dean 2016).
- Legume size from literature:
• Length: 2-5 cm; width 1-1.3 cm (FOC 2024)
- Legume shape oval or oblong, generally with constrictions between the seeds
- One end may have a short style remnant
Surface Texture
- Surface is ridged reticulate with low, wide ridges in a grid pattern
- Interspaces are concave, may appear as pits if the ridges are not prominent
- Legumes are dull yellowish brown
Other Features
- Size of legumes vary with subspecies, variety, cultivar and growing conditions
- Mature legumes have a woody or fibrous consistency
- Legumes open lengthwise around the legume (longitudinal circumference)
- A remnant of the style or ‘peg’ from the base of the ovary is attached to one end and may remain after harvest (Stalker et al. 2016)
Arachis hypogaea legume
- Legume size from literature:
- Seed size from literature:
• Length: 9.0 – 20.1 mm; width: 5.6 – 10.4 mm (Singh et al. 1998)
• Length: 5-10 mm (FOC 2024)
- Seeds are oval or oblong shaped with a pointed embryo end
Surface Texture
- Seed surface is smooth
- Seed coat is reddish brown
- Seed is light brown or light yellowish coloured
Other Features
- The seed coat has a papery consistency and can be easily removed
- Most of the seed is composed of 2 large cotyledons
- Seeds split easily between the cotyledons
- Seed becomes oily when scratched or cut
Arachis hypogaea seeds
- Seed size from literature:
- Embryo fills the seed
- Embryo is straight
- Nutritive tissue stored in cotyledons
Other Features
- Embryos have 2 partially developed leaves (plumules) attached to the radicle
Arachis hypogaea seed, split showing embryo with two partially developed leaves (plumules)
Identification Tips
Arachis species have distinctive fruit that mature below-ground, are cylindrical shaped with constrictions between seeds, a woody consistency, and a ridged reticulate surface texture. Cultivated A. hypogaea is difficult to distinguish from other Arachis species due to the variable legume size and seed number of the cultivated varieties. With almost all the wild Arachis species confined to Mexico, Central and South America, the cultivated A. hypogaea is the most likely species encountered outside these areas.

Arachis hypogaea seed

Additional Botany Information
- Inflorescences grow from the junction of the leaf and branch (axillary), containing up to 3 flowers, each maturing on a different day (Smith 1950; Stalker et al. 2016)
- Flowers are light yellow, yellow, orange, or white, and may have reddish veins (Stalker et al. 2016)
- Flower diameter is 5-10 mm (FOC 2024)
- Petals, stamen, and sepals are fused together at the base to form a 4-6 mm long peg-like structure containing the style (Smith 1950; FOC 2024)
- A. hypogaea primarily reproduces by self-pollination (autogamy) (Bertioli et al. 2011; Stalker et al. 2016)
- After fertilization, the base of the ovary elongates and grows downward, pushing the developing fruit into the soil; legume and seeds mature below-ground (Smith 1950)
- A small, peg-like style remnant persists at one end of the mature legume
Vegetative Features
- Plants can grow up to (6-)30-80 cm tall (FOC 2024)
- The branches generally lie on the ground (decumbent), but A. hypogaea subsp. fastigata (‘Valencia’ and ‘Spanish’ types) can be erect (Krapovikas and Gregory 1994)
- The flowering and vegetative branches of A. hypogaea subsp. hypogaea plants have a regular, alternating pattern, and A. hypogaea subsp. fastigata plants do not have this pattern (Smith 1950; Krapovikas and Gregory 1994)
- Leaves are divided into 4 oval or oblong leaflets, length: 1.1-5.9 cm; width: 0.5-3.4 cm (FOC 2024)
Similar Species
Similar species are based on a study of seed morphology of various species, and those with similar dispersal units are identified. The study is limited by physical specimen and literature availability at the time of examination, and possibly impacted by the subjectivity of the authors based on their knowledge and experience. Providing similar species information for seed identification is to make users aware of similarities that could possibly result in misidentification.
Arachis monitcola Krapov. & Rigoni
This species is believed to be an uncommon, weedy form of A. hypogaea (Stalker et al. 2016). The legumes have a pointed end and are a similar size as A. hypogaea (length: 15.5-21 mm; width: 8.5-9 mm), (Krapovickas and Gregory 1994). The reticulations on the legumes have prominent longitudinal ridges. Seeds are a similar size as A. hypogaea (length: 13.5 mm; width: 6.5 mm) (Krapovickas and Gregory 1994).
Arachis pintoi Krapov. & W.C. Gregory
This species is cultivated for forage and has a perennial lifecycle (Krapovickas and Gregory 1994). The legume surface is smooth, has long hairs and is generally smaller than A. hypogaea (length: 11-14 mm; width: 6-7 mm) (Krapovickas and Gregory 1994).
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Arachis hypogaea

Arachis hypogaea
Arachis hypogaea seeds
Arachis hypogaea

Arachis hypogaea
Arachis hypogaea seeds
Arachis hypogaea

Arachis hypogaea
Arachis hypogaea seed
Arachis hypogaea

Arachis hypogaea
Arachis hypogaea seed
Arachis hypogaea

Arachis hypogaea
Arachis hypogaea seed, split showing embryo with two partially developed leaves (plumules)
Arachis hypogaea

Arachis hypogaea
Arachis hypogaea legume
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Agostinho, F.H., Gravena, R., Alves, P.L.C.A., Salgado, T.P., and Mattos E.D., 2006. The effect of cultivar on critical periods of weed control in peanuts. Peanut Science 33: 29–35.
Bertioli, D.J., Seijo, G., Freitas, F.O., Valls, J.F.M., Leal-Bertioli, S.C.M. and Moretzsohn, M.C. 2011. An overview of peanut and its wild relatives. Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Utilization 9 (1): 134–149.
Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International (CABI). 2024. Invasive Species Compendium, CAB International, Wallingford, UK. Accessed July 23, 2024.
Daramola, O.S., Iboyi, J.E., MacDonald, G.E., Kanissery, R.G., Singh, H., Tillman, B.L, and Devkota, P. 2023. A systematic review of nonchemical weed management research in peanut (Arachis hypogea) in the United States: challenges and opportunities. Weed Science 71 (1): 5- 29 284–300.
Davis, J.P., Dean, L.0. 2016. Peanut Composition, Flavor and Nutrition. Ch. 11 in Stalker, H.D., Wilson, R.F. (Eds.) Peanuts:Genetics, Processing, and Utilization. London, pp: 289-345.
Dzomeku, I.K., Abudulai, M., Brandenburg, R.L., and Jordan, D.L. 2009. Survey of weeds and management practices in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in the savanna ecology of Ghana. Peanut Science 36 (2): 165-173.
Flora of China (FOC) 1994+. Arachis hypogaea. Vol. 10., Accessed May 23, 2024.
Flora of North America (FNA) Editorial Committee, eds. 1993+. Flora of North America North of Mexico [Online]. 22+ vols. New York and Oxford., Accessed May 02, 2024.
Hammons, R.O. 1973. Early History and Origin of the Peanut. Ch. 2 in: Wilson, E.T. (Ed.) Peanuts – Culture and Uses. American Peanut Research and Education Association Stillwater, OK. pp: 17-45.
Hammons, R.O, Herman, D., Stalker, H.T. 2016. Origin and Early History of the Peanut. Ch. 1 in Stalker, H.D., Wilson, R.F. (Eds.) Peanuts: Genetics, Processing, and Utilization. Elsevier Inc., London, UK. pp: 1-26.
Krapovickas, A. and Gregory, W.C. 1994. Taxonomía del genéro Arachis (Leguminosae). Bonplandia 8: 1-186.
Priya, R.S., Chinnusamy, C., Manickasundaram, P. and Babu, C. 2013. A review on weed management in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). International Journal of Agricultural Science and Research. 3 (1):163-172.
Singh, A.L., Nautiyal, P.C. and Zala, P.V. 1998. Growth and yield of groundnut varieties as influenced by seed size. Tropical Science 38: 48-56.
Smith, B.W. 1950. Arachis hypogaea. Aerial Flower and Subterranean Fruit. American Journal of Botany 37 (10): 802-815.
Stalker, H. T., Shyamalrau, P.T., Seijo, G.R., and Leal-Bertioli, S.C. 2016. Biology, Speciation, and Utilization of Peanut Species. Ch. 2 Iin: Peanuts: Genetics, Processing, and Utilization. Elsevier Inc., London, UK. pp: 27-66.
Tropicos. 2024. Missouri Botanical Garden., Accessed July 23, 2024.
United States Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Services (USDA-ARS). 2024. Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), Accessed July 23, 2024.
United States Department of Agriculture – Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA-FAS). 2024. Peanut Explorer: Accessed May 08, 2024.
Wiersema, John, H. and Blanca León. 2016. World Economic Plants. Available from: VitalSource Bookshelf, (2nd Edition). Taylor & Francis.